

Web Resource 10:

Stickiness in an E-tailing environment,

Students from Medill School of journalism, Northwestern University.
URL: http://www.medill.northwestern.edu/imc/studentwork/projects/Sticky/index.htm

Nature of the Content
This site investigates the stickiness of websites, the ability of a web site to retain its users. Involved in this is 3 factors which help achieve stickiness - personalisation, usability and content. Each topic is examined, with examples from commercial websites to help emphasis what E-Commerce management needs to achieve to maintain users coming to their site.

Year 2000. Judging from the context of most web usability articles, this site is relatively timely, however its statistics may well be outdated very soon.

Broad: E-Commerce management, users, designers. More management and students

The site does not assume that the user knows anything. Instead, it gives definition to the terms used and statistcal information to reinforce the important aspects of usability, personalisation and content. It is higly releveant, especially with the use of case study situations - involving screen captues, extensive amount of inofmraiton and closely related topics that can add effect and supplement the usability experienced by the user such as content and personalisation. Provision of a large number of key and prominent resources should the reader wish to find out more. This is a recommended for a complete overview of what needs to be considered when creating a site. Not only this, it accentuates that web usability alone can not achieve users coming to the site, without integrating other essential factors of giving users individualism in the site, and informative and useful content.

Usability & Design
Fresh, simple and aesthetically pleasing designed page through the use of colourful buttons . Different methods of presenting information through its contents, hypertext linking at the bottom of the page.Placement of the body of the page in the center with a wide border on each side, helps balance with the amount of text and graphic content on each page. Provision of a site map, or search facilities for topics would probably be a good idea. Otherwise the site is very easy to use.

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Web Resources:

1. Global Study of Commercial Websites
2. Jakob Nielson's Paper & Essays
3. Usable Web
4. Sun's New Web Design
5. Factors and Principles affecting Usability
6. Designing an E-Commerce Site for Users
7. Usability Problems of Today
8. Information Architecture of the Shopping Cart9. Web Usability, IHJCS >>10. Stickiness in an E-tailing environment


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